Quadrathlon4YOU Quadrathlon4YOU

A successful French premiere

Good-humoured participants in SeysselGood-humoured participants in Seyssel

The Marvel Human Quadrathlon and Triathlon event held on June 23, 2024 at the Base Aqualoisir in Seyssel, France, was an exciting competition that brought together athletes from all over the world. Organized by „Savoie Sports Organisation“, the event featured both an M Triathlon race and the first-ever quadrathlon race as part of the WQF (World Quadrathlon Federation) 2024 World Cup Series.

A total of 143 participants took part in the races, including 27 solo quadrathletes and 10 teams taking part in the Quadrathlon, and 70 solo triathletes and 4 teams taking part in the Triathlon. The races started with the first wave at 9:00 am for the men, followed by the women at 9:05 am and the disabled category at 9:07 am.
In the men’s Quadrathlon race, spectators witnessed an intense battle between Hungary’s Ferenc CSIMA and France’s Laurent MARTINOU. Laurent M. performed well on the swim and bike sections, but was eventually overtaken by Ferenc C. on the kayak stage. However, MARTINOU battled back, regaining the lead and crossing the finish line first and defending the French flag on French soil, alongside Frenchman Fred WUHRMANN in 3rd place.
Mens.Podium in Seyssel

“I really enjoyed my stay in Seyssel. Not only the race, but also the beautiful surroundings and scenery. You, your team and the volunteers put a lot of effort into making it a good race and I have to honestly say that it succeeded very well! There are always small things to improve but for the first time, it was a perfect start. You’ve put a new place on the quadrathlon map and involved 30 new participants in the quadrathlon. I’m sure more international athletes will be coming out next year to take part in the race. Laurent and I have always had a close race over the years. It’s always the same “scenario” since he comes from a triathlon background and I have a kayak marathon background. This time, he performed very well in all disciplines and was able to win the race. I think it’s also a good thing that the gold medal stays in his home country.”, says Ferenc Csima.

Strong performances in women’s races
In the women’s Quadrathlon race, GUARDIA Lorine (Antony Triathlon club) from France took first place, followed by MIELKE Ellen from Germany and SIQUIER Aurélie from France in 2nd and 3rd places respectively.
Womens Podium in Seyssel

Looking ahead
With the Marvel Human Quadrathlon and Triathlon 2024 time records set, we look forward to seeing you all create new records at the next edition scheduled for June 21 and 22, 2025.
The thrill of competition, the camaraderie between athletes and the sportsmanship showcased at this event truly exemplify the essence of endurance sports. With fierce competition, thrilling battles and outstanding performances, this event left a lasting impression on all participants and spectators. We look forward to seeing even greater achievements in future editions of this prestigious event.
Join us to explore the exciting performances and fierce competition of the Marvel Human Quadrathlon and Triathlon on June 22, 2025.

by Samba Ngwana



1. Laurent Martinou (FRA) 3:00:03
2. Ferenc Csima (HUN) 3:06:02
3. Fred Wuhrmann (FRA) 3:30:17


1. Lorine Guardia (FRA) 3:49:47
2. Ellen Mielke (GER) 4:16:19
3. Aurélie Siquier (FRA) 4:31:54

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