Quadrathlon4YOU Quadrathlon4YOU

Indian Lake – Birth of the Quadrathlon in the United States

Do the Q Quadrathlon Indian Lake (USA) 2018 (c) AQA

Congratulations to The Adirondack village of Indian Lake, they were the first venue in the United States to host a quadrathalon. The “Do the Q” event was on June 16th and consisted of a 750km swim, 8km kayak paddle, 30k bike ride, and 10k run, in accordance with World Quadrathalon Federation guidelines.

Len the organiser has sent us his overview of the event:

On June 16 2018 the town of Indian Lake woke up to beautiful sunny day and the hustle of volunteers setting things up at the registration cabin. At that moment I felt all the hours and labor intensive preparation was going to come to life. I had great support from the Armstrong’s ( Bob and Francine as well as Pat Benton). The ladies put on a picnic after the event which allowed the volunteers and the athletes to interact. Bob pushed me on when things were to overwhelming- you know what I mean!

As time drew nearer I began to see more assistance coming my way from former project manager Marti Evanoff. She was a great asset since she documented what we had completed and what was still to be accomplished-boy was that ever a great help.

Bill Murphy (President of the Chamber) rode in like the Calvary in the old western movies. He assisted by painting our buoys then placing them out on the kayak and swim course and setting up our sound system for back ground music and microphone for the award ceremony. His most memorable assistance came when decided to test the water temperature by falling out of his canoe.

We also had great support from a local citizen radio team which help communicate to the turn marshals where the athletes were and when to expect them at the turns. They also assisted is getting help to a young lady who tapped wheels with another competitor and fell off her bike. They communicate the issue to their base station and moments later a ambulance squad was dispatched to help her. She was badly bruised and fractured her arm.

Beyond that the day was perfect for this type of event. Sunny skies, good water temperature and happy volunteers made for a memorable day for all who experienced the event.
We had various newspapers attending as well as the photographer from the Adirondack – Regional Office Of Sustained Tourism – (ROOST) I expect their photos will be used to promote the area as well as our town and this event at outdoor shows attended by our Chamber.

So there you have it…. a summation of the Quadrathlon …… Len

Thank-you Len on behalf of the World Quadrathlon Federation for putting the USA on the World Quad Map, keep sharing the passion and spreading the word!

by Jean Ashley

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1. Greg Hewlett (USA) 2:32:02
2. Dominick Mercurio (USA) 2:33:56
3. Philip Borgese (USA) 2:45:32


1. Teresa Creedon (USA) 2:54:56
2. Janet Davignon (USA) 3:15:40
3. Susan Browne (USA) 3:38:54

Comments from the Quadathlethes

Hi Len. I had a great time at the race. I think you did a great job as race director and look forward to the next one. The volunteers were all Great and very friendly and well organized. I thought the number of volunteers on the course was great. We (the athletes) were made to feel very welcome and we felt like rock stars at the end of the race. Thank you again. I hope that you are able to continue this as a yearly event. I think it will get better and better. Thanks so much Susan Browne

Hi Len, Can you please let me know what my time was in the race?
Had a fantastic time at the race. Very organized and the volunteers were awesome. Thanks for putting on a great event. Post race bbq was perfect. Janet Davignon

Hi Len, I’m happy to do letters of support to local papers, the Chamber, Town Council, whatever. Just send me contact information. You guys deserve recognition, and the residents and decision makers need to hear about local successes. We were in town from Thursday to Sunday morning, and we made sure that wherever we went for lodging, food, shopping, whatever, that people knew that we were from three hours away, staying in town, and there specifically for the race. Businesses all seemed supportive, and we made sure they knew that the Q had brought us to town. Nick Mercurio

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