Sprint World Championships: Svoboda and Teichert were favourites – how did it turn out?
For the last thirty years multi-sportsmen and -sportswomen have been meeting at the Lake at Ratscher for a triathlon. For the 15th time this was…
For the last thirty years multi-sportsmen and -sportswomen have been meeting at the Lake at Ratscher for a triathlon. For the 15th time this was…
A lovely warm sunshine day with slightly cloudy and no wind, what could be better! A excellent day’s racing at the 7th Shrewsbury Quadrathon, the…
Seit 30 Jahren treffen sich einmal im Jahr die Multisportler am Bergsee Ratscher zum Triathlon. Und auch der Quadrathlon am Bergsee fand nun bereits zum…
Letztes Wochenende ging es mal wieder ins beschauliche Havelland zum Wassersupper Quadrathlon – wo die Uhren doch irgendwie etwas ruhiger ticken, schon die Anreise ist…
Last competition of Quadrathlon World Cup was organised in Oslo, Norway. After one year break Katarina Liptakova and Oslo Kayak Club organised again a competition…
We are sorry to inform you but the Compatition of Sprint Quadrathlon Balatonakali in Hungary is cancelled because of the illness of the organiser. The…
Zum 19. Mal lud der Kanu-Club Kelheim zum Kanutriathlon „Rund um die Befreiungshalle“ ein. 4,5 km Laufen, 12 km Mountainbiken und 4 km Paddeln mussten…
In the expected warm conditions, the eighth stage of the WQF World Cup was held last weekend in the Slovakian town of Komarno, near the…
Bei gewohnt warmen Bedingungen wurde am letzten Wochenende im slowakischen Komarno, nahe der ungarischen Grenze, die achte Station des WQF World Cups ausgetragen. Über 750m…
The Box End Quadrathlon was always going hot, with the high temperatures we’d been having, but the racing too was certainly a scorcher too! Ettiene…